What Does Your Email Address Say About You?

What Does Your Email Address Say About You?

What Does Your Email Address Say About You?

When examining your marketing and professional image, it’s easy to overlook your email address. But just like choosing to dress professionally, your email won’t matter at all to the people who don’t notice, but it will matter a lot to the people who do notice.

In a technologically advanced world and an industry that is considered technologically archaic, consumers want to know if you’re at the cutting edge or behind. You may not realize it, but one of the clues they look for is your email address.

A client doesn’t know specifically how you interact with your email. When you have an @comcast.net email, they don’t know if you use a paid app on the newest iPhone, or the clunky Comcast interface. If you want to call yourself tech-savvy you have to demonstrate it in your daily life, and early email providers like @hotmail, @msn, @aol, or @yahoo, might make clients think you’re still using 10-year-old technology. After all, that was the email provider they used 10+ years ago when email was first used by the masses. An Internet provider email (e.x. @comcast.net) implies someone that is newer to email, someone who only recently subscribed to high speed Internet.

Even good email platforms like @gmail have their downsides. Gmail has an excellent interface and feature set, but it is still perceived as a personal email address, not a business email address.

So what’s the solution? Every broker should have branded email. There are a few options:

brand to your brand (RE/MAX associates get      @remax.net for free)

brand to your office (we provide our brokers with @remaxselectnm.com for free)

brand to yourself (@joeagent.com costs      $15-$75 a year, but anyone can set it up)

If you’re interested in the third option, next week I’ll post about how easy it can be to set up a personal branded email using G-Suite, which combines the simplicity and convenience of Gmail with the professionalism of a branded domain.